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1 - Problemi in paradiso
December. 03,1999

The Animals settle into their new life in the promised land of Diamantina, but all is not well. Diamantina is plagued with earth tremors, one of which causes a rock slide that leaves Gertie trapped in a cave, and after Gorm confesses that Diamantina floods during the night of a full moon, the other animals begin to blame Noah for leading them to a place where they're always in danger. Elsewhere, Chang discovers a cave full of beautiful jewels, but when Ursula finds out about the cave they argue over ownership of the jewels.

2 - Il gibbone maniaco
December. 06,1999

The Animals stop listening to Noah and turn against him in the aftermath of the flood. Meanwhile, Diamantina's other residents, a race of prehistoric frogs, learn of the inhabitants of the floating Island, and seeing them as invaders, they prepare to fight back...

3 - Un brutto scherzo del vecchio mammut
December. 07,1999
4 - Sacha inviato speciale
December. 08,1999
5 - Lo sceriffo di Diamantina
December. 09,1999

Wommie the Wombat is appointed as Diamantina's law enforcement, but he abuses his newly gained authority by arresting animals for the smallest of offences, such as Mammothsbody sucking his trunk and Carmen eating ants without a "licence". Meanwhile, Chang and Ursula find a strange man-made machine washed up on the beach, and upon discovering it has a camera and human voices coming out of it, Noah orders to have the machine destroyed, believing that it will lead humans to Diamantina.

6 - Alta marea
December. 10,1999

Salomi senses that Diamantina will flood again, so Noah orders Sacha to spread the word of the next flood. Rocco and Gertie plan to build a rock wall in front of their cave's entrance to protect the animals from the flood, while Noah and Nab struggle to find enough lava stones to fuel the Fire-Bowl. When Noah finds out what Rocco is planning he sets out to stop the wall from being built and convince Rocco that the wall won't protect them.

7 - Reg è diventato una rana
December. 13,1999
8 - L'iceberg
December. 14,1999

An enormous iceberg floats by the coast of Diamantina. The animals who are more used to colder climates, such as Noah and the Problem Walrus, are delighted by the sudden cold snap the iceberg brings, but everyone else tries to escape the cold by sleeping in the Fire-Bowl chamber. Upon discovering that there is a deep crevice within the iceberg, Gorm and the frogs devise a plan to trap the animals inside, so when the iceberg leaves it will take them with it.

9 - Rocco odia la raffia
December. 15,1999
10 - La rosa di Diamantina
December. 16,1999
11 - La barriera corallina
December. 17,1999
12 - Un certo tipo di orso
December. 20,1999

Earthquakes are becoming more frequent in Diamantina. Gertie realises that Diamantina is not a safe place to raise her unborn baby, so despite Noah's protests, the Animals prepare to leave Diamantina for good. Ursula is elected as a new captain.

13 - Addio Diamantina
December. 21,1999

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L'isola di Noè racconta la storie di una nave carica di animali che riusciti a scampare ad un naufragio, si sono rifugiati in un'isola galleggiante, comandata da un orso bianco chiamato Noè, che è stata ribattezzata per l'appunto l'isola di Noè, infatti qui troviamo tantissimi animali di tutte le razze possibili, proprio come nella biblica arca di Noè. Fra i vari protagonisti principali, oltre all'orso bianco, si annoverano il gorilla, il babbuino, la giraffa, il tricheco, il coniglio. Il loro sogno è quello di trovare un luogo dove vivere felici. Il tema del cartone animato l'isola di Noè è sicuramente l'ecologia e la difesa della natura, in tutte le sue forme. Questi animali a bordo della loro isola, che viaggia per tutti gli oceani è sempre pronta a prestare aiuto a tutti gli animali che si trovano in difficoltà nelle varie zone del mondo, a causa dell'inquinamento operato dall'uomo. Il cartone animato è quindi un valido aiuto non solo per conoscere la flora e la fauna del nostro pianeta, ma per insegnare i valori del rispetto dell'ambiente.

Più Info
Ron Moody, David Holt

Ron Moody