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1 - Pilot
April. 08,2009

Det. Casey Shraeger meets the other zany but secretive detectives which make up the homicide squad in which she was just transferred to. Her partner will be Det. Jason Welsh, who is already working on a case of who killed his former partner.

2 - Boorland Day
April. 15,2009

A family of criminals has the detectives running all over the city until Walsh and Shraeger discover their motives and negotiate a stop to all the crime. Brown has Shraeger investigate Walsh's past because her former partner turned out to be a dirty cop. Meanwhile, Cole's former partner in crime returns, making it even more difficult for Cole to continue to hide his criminal past.

3 - One Man Band
April. 21,2009

Banks and Delahoy investigate a store selling murder weapons and instructions on how to get rid of the body. Nixon asks Casey to help get a client's son out of trouble on a bogus charge.

4 - Crime Slut
April. 22,2009

When Beaumont is in a pawn shop to get some cash the shop is robbed by a man and a woman. The woman is later the target of Shraeger and Walsh's investigation when she robs a bridal store with a different man.

5 - 42
April. 29,2009

Beaumont is struck when Lutz pulls a gun at Walsh's diner. While investigating, Walsh and Schraeger uncover Lutz and Cole's past connection. Elsewhere, Banks and Delahoy get help from a clairvoyant passenger when they investigate a rash of bus robberies.

6 - The Circle Line
May. 06,2009

Walsh and Shraeger try to help Powell, who fears he may have killed someone during an alcohol-induced blackout. Meanwhile, becoming victims of identity theft inspires Banks and Delahoy to make some changes in their lives.

7 - The Tape Delay
May. 27,2009

Casey and Walsh are placed on protection detail of a wealthy businessman, George Reed, who had recent threats made on his life. Responding to screams they hear, they leave their post in front of Reed's hotel room and, when they return, find his room is trashed and him gone. Then a ransom call is made asking for $10 million for his safe return. Meanwhile, Banks and Delahoy are put on the case of an 87- year-old man on a geriatric crime spree.

8 - The Dentist
June. 03,2009

Alvarez takes over while Sergeant Brown is away. Things go south when Alvarez releases Bo Keebler, a man who recently tried to rob a Chinese restaurant, into the custody of U.S. Marshall Foster. Casey Alvarez, and Walsh discover information that suggests Foster isn't exactly who he claims to be after the precinct receives a bomb threat. Banks tries to stay in his apartment until after his 43rd birthday to keep from being killed.

9 - The Apology Line
June. 10,2009

When a drug store owner is shot while running down the street naked, Walsh and Shraeger investigate. Information from the boyfriend of the victim's daughter leads the detectives to a loan shark that the victim had an argument with a few nights earlier. After a series of tapes from an apology line service turn up missing Beaumont and Cole look into the theft. Meanwhile Delahoy convinces the medical examiner to give him an MRI, and he receives some unexpected news.

10 - E.I.D.
June. 17,2009

Beaumont and Cole interview a couple after their apartment is broken into. When nothing turns up missing the couple discovers that an adult film they rented was filmed in their apartment. The film leads Delahoy and Banks to a series of bizarre adult films shot in several local apartments. Cole investigates a link between all of the tenants. In an effort to solve the case Beaumont and Cole go undercover and try attract the film maker for another movie. Shraeger finds herself emotionally invested when she takes a 10 year old case involving a violent attack.

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La serie si compone in totale di 10 episodi e purtroppo non è stata rinnovata dopo la prima stagione. La storia è ambientata a New York. In un mondo dominato da drammaticità estrema e comica follia, il detective del dipartimento di polizia Casey Shraeger (Amber Tamblyn), si trasferisce al reparto omicidi per investigare sulla morte di un suo collega. Il suo nuovo partner è Jason Walsh, che prima di lavorare con Casey collaborava proprio con il poliziotto assassinato. Casey è considerata incorruttibile, perché proveniente da una ricca famiglia e divenuta poliziotta soltanto per passione e non per la ricerca di fama o ricchezza. Per scovare il killer e scoprire la verità celata nel passato del poliziotto morto, Casey scopre una realtà corrotta, torbida.

Più Info
Amber Tamblyn, Jeremy Renner


Amber Tamblyn